Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

Welcome to the PBIS page!

PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. The PBIS system is designed to help promote positive social, emotional, behavioral, and academic outcomes for all students. Contact PBIS Team


At P721X, our PBIS system is called S.O.A.R.: Support each other, Overcome obstacles, Achieve our goals, Respect others.

 Photo of SOAR Parade  

Elvis the Eagle

This is our school mascot, “Elvis the Eagle”. He is always S.O.A.R.ing high, and loves when he sees P721X students S.O.A.R.ing!

 Elvis the Eagle macot 

S.O.A.R. Matrix

Below please see the S.O.A.R. Matrix to see the positive behaviors you can display throughout the school environment so you can S.O.A.R. with Elvis!

S.O.A.R. Behavior Expectations Matrix


Support Each Other

Overcome Obstacles

Achieve Our Goals

Respect Others


Help a classmate with classwork or group work.

Classmate figures helping each other out

Ask for help.

 helping each other  

Complete all of your classwork and homework.

 complete your work 

Be kind to your classmates.

 be nice to your classmates 


Help your peers get to their bus.

 helping peers 

Remain quiet in order to hear your bus number being called.

 Remain quiet 

Line up appropriately and get on the bus safely.

 Line up nicely 

Treat others respectfully.

 respect your classmates 


Stay buckled and seated while the bus is in motion.

 stay buckled 

Keep calm and offer support if someone else is upset.

 Stay calm 

Keep your hands to yourself.

 hands to yourself 

Listen to the bus driver and matron.

 listen to the bus driver 

Cafeteria (Breakfast & Lunch)

Sit with a new friend.

 Sit with a new friend 

Look for another seat if the one you want is taken.

 Look for another seat 

Clean up after yourself.

 clean up after yourself 

Speak nicely to others.

 speak nicely 

Hallway (Transition)

Help your class get to its destination.

 help your class 

Travel to your class without interruption.

 travel without interruption 

Get to your next class promptly.

 get to your next class 

Use a soft voice in the hallway, others might be working.

 soft voice 

The Yard

Include everyone.

 include everyone 

Ask a friend to play or talk if they are by themselves.

 ask a friend to play or talk 

Practice conversation skills with your peers.

 practice your conversation skills 

Play safely when playing with others.

 play safely 

The Community

Help others with their tasks if you see they are having difficulties.

 Help others 

Learn something new in order to better prepare yourself for all aspects of a job.

 learn something new 

Remain on task in order to complete all required work.

 stay on task 

Refrain from interrupting your peers while they are working.

 let your peers finish all their work 

Related Services

Work cooperatively and encourage others.

 work cooperatively 

Learn that it is okay to make mistakes.

 learn that it is okay to make mistakes 

Actively participate in new activities that may be challenging.

 participate in new activities 

Respect and celebrate differences.

 respect and celebrate differences 

Respect for All Hub

 students holding up letters
r e s p e c t